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Do you have questions about attachment, trauma, betrayal, abandonment, or related topics? Please submit them using the form below. Your questions are invaluable and will help shape the content of our future blog posts here at Authentic Living. Rest assured, all answers will be provided anonymously to protect your privacy. This is your opportunity to gain deeper insights and personalized perspectives on issues that matter to you. Let’s explore these complex topics together—submit your questions today!

Understanding the Differences Between Trauma-Informed Services Versus Trauma-Informed Therapy
Trauma, Therapy Stephanie Underwood, RSW Trauma, Therapy Stephanie Underwood, RSW

Understanding the Differences Between Trauma-Informed Services Versus Trauma-Informed Therapy

Learn the differences between trauma-informed services and trauma-informed therapy in this comprehensive guide. Understand how trauma can result from both major events and subtle, ongoing experiences, and explore approaches that create safe, supportive environments for healing. Perfect for those new to trauma awareness."

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Understanding Schemas: The Foundation of Our Thoughts, Feelings, and Behaviors
Trauma, Negative Core Beliefs, Latest Posts, Relationships & Dating Stephanie Underwood, RSW Trauma, Negative Core Beliefs, Latest Posts, Relationships & Dating Stephanie Underwood, RSW

Understanding Schemas: The Foundation of Our Thoughts, Feelings, and Behaviors

Discover the 18 core schemas that shape our perceptions and influence our lives. Learn how schema therapy can help you identify and change deep-rooted patterns, leading to healthier relationships and a more fulfilling life. Explore the impact of childhood experiences on adult behaviour and the journey toward self-awareness and healing.

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Self-Sabotage in Relationships: An Insight into Romantic Dynamics

Self-Sabotage in Relationships: An Insight into Romantic Dynamics

Dive into the complexities of love and the patterns of self-sabotage in romantic relationships. Explore the foundations of love, the destructive behaviours that impede its growth, and the root causes behind these actions.

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The Familiar Path: How Our Brain's Wiring Influences Our Choices
Trauma Stephanie Underwood, RSW Trauma Stephanie Underwood, RSW

The Familiar Path: How Our Brain's Wiring Influences Our Choices

Explore the intriguing concept of how our brain’s evolutionary wiring influences our decision-making in this insightful blog post. Delve into the psychological reasons behind our preference for familiar paths over unknown, safer options, and learn how our ancestors’ need for connection and survival shaped this tendency. Understand the role of core beliefs and the amygdala in perpetuating familiar choices and discover strategies to challenge and rewire our brain for personal growth.

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Understanding the Abandonment Wound

Understanding the Abandonment Wound

In this blog post, we dive into the abandonment wound, examining its complexities, why it's particularly difficult to cope with, its effects on behaviour, and strategies for overcoming the fear of abandonment.

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Understanding Trauma and Repetition Compulsion: Why We Repeat Relational Patterns
Trauma Stephanie Underwood, RSW Trauma Stephanie Underwood, RSW

Understanding Trauma and Repetition Compulsion: Why We Repeat Relational Patterns

Explore the complex relationship between trauma and repetition compulsion in our comprehensive blog post. Understand why trauma leads to repetitive behaviors and learn about effective therapeutic strategies for breaking the cycle. Discover the role of supportive relationships and self-care in trauma recovery. Join us on a journey towards healing and resilience.

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