Individual Counselling Sessions

Individual counselling sessions provide a safe and confidential space for adults to explore their thoughts, emotions, and experiences with a trauma-informed registered social worker. These sessions aim to support clients in addressing personal challenges, developing coping strategies, and working towards their therapeutic goals.

Your Path to Healing

Trauma can constantly affect our lives, making daily tasks and relationships challenging. It can make us feel isolated and stuck in negative patterns. While support from loved ones is important, they might not fully understand the impact of our past experiences. This is where a mental health professional specializing in trauma can help, offering guidance towards healing and recovery.

What Can You Expect from Individual Counselling?

  • Rooted in a deep understanding of both trauma and attachment theories, this approach recognizes how past experiences can shape our current relationships, emotions, and behaviours. Together, we'll work to process and heal from these experiences, fostering resilience and authentic living.

  • Regular individual sessions run between 50-60 minutes, offering a structured yet flexible space for exploration and growth. You can now book an extended 80 minute individual sessions, allowing for deeper engagement and reflection.​

  • Conducted securely online, these sessions ensure that you can attend from the comfort of your own home or any private space that feels right for you. This approach ensures accessibility and ease, fitting into your life seamlessly.

  • Offering services to individuals located in Quebec, Ontario, and Alberta, this virtual format ensures that quality trauma and attachment-based counselling is available regardless of geographic location.

Is Counselling the Right Choice?

Success requires commitment and time, but the relationship with your social worker is crucial. They'll work with you through tough experiences and memories. The connection and understanding you feel with your social worker is often more important than their specific method or background. With the right fit, counselling can help change how you think and feel, improving your overall well-being.

What are the next steps?

  • Your journey begins by booking an initial 30 minute Zoom call with me to answer your questions and see if we're the right fit.

  • In our initial session, we will spend time completing a holistic, psychosocial assessment. This assessment will give me a comprehensive understanding of the various facets of your life that might be influencing your overall daily functioning.

    Together, we'll dive into the heart of what has brought you to seek counselling and envision the changes you aspire to achieve. By understanding the unique ways you interpret and react to the world, we can better tailor our approach to shape your emotions and actions positively.

    As we wrap up our initial session, we'll chart out the best course of action for your onward journey.

  • Everyone's healing process is different. Your past experiences, like previous therapy or self-help, can affect our session frequency and length. Some people prefer bi-weekly sessions, others need longer or more frequent meetings. The key is finding a schedule that works best for you to get the most out of therapy.

Connect with me for a free consultation