Trauma-Informed Therapy

Step into a world of empathy and healing tailored just for you.

We often think of "trauma" as a single, intense event like a natural disaster, accident, terrorist attack, or adult crimes such as rape and domestic violence. However, many traumatic experiences are interpersonal, prolonged, and repeated, often beginning in childhood or adolescence and lasting for years. These can include sexual abuse, physical abuse, betrayal, severe neglect, and serious emotional or psychological abuse. They may also involve witnessing violence, being raised in a chaotic home environment, experiencing repeated abandonments, or enduring sudden and traumatic losses.

Prevalence of Trauma

89% of adults in the U.S. have experienced at least one traumatic event during their lifetime.

Trauma-Focused Therapy

Trauma-Focused Therapy is specifically designed to address the significant impact trauma can have on your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. This therapeutic approach recognizes that traumatic experiences deeply influence our perceptions of ourselves and the world around us.

At the core of trauma-focused therapy is the understanding that many of our current emotional and behavioural patterns stem from past traumas. By uncovering these connections, we initiate the healing process. The purpose of this therapy is not to force you to relive painful experiences but to help you process these memories in a healthier, more constructive way.

At Healing Narratives Counselling, we focus on equipping you with the tools and insights necessary to manage the emotions and memories associated with trauma. Together, we work to reinterpret these experiences, transforming them from sources of pain into foundations for strength and resilience. Trauma-focused therapy empowers you to rewrite your personal narrative, turning a challenging past into a stepping stone toward a more empowered and growth-oriented future.

Connect with me for a free consultation